Trauma Protocols & Policies
UC San Diego Trauma Handbook
August 2024, PDF File, 10MB File Size
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Trauma Handbook Contents
- Mission Statement / Introduction
- Must Call Attending Criteria
- Overview of Trauma Service
- Contact Information
- Telephone Numbers
- Trauma Service Protocols Overview
- The Resuscitation Room
- Trauma page and Trauma Team Activation
- Transfers
- Trauma Bypass
- Operating Room Resuscitation
- BSI/Universal Precautions
- Initial Assessment and Resuscitation
- Resuscitation Room Coordination
- Obtaining Blood samples
- Ordering Blood units
- Femoral Stick indications
- Massive Transfusion Protocol
- Low Titer Group O Whole Blood
- MIVT Report
- Responsibilities of Team Members
- Physicians Orders in Resuscitation Room
- Resuscitation Room Lab Investigations
- Radiology
- Organ Injury Scale
- Radiology Request Form
- Non-Operative Management of Major Trauma
- Trauma Resuscitation Debriefing
- Intimate partner violence/SART/Abuse reporting
- Airway with C-Spine Control
- Airway Management
- King LTA and EOTA Airways
- CMAC Video Laryngoscope
- Esophageal Tube Introducer
- Rapid Sequence Intubation Protocol
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Clinical Guideline for Traumatic Brain Injury
- ICP monitoring
- Treatment of Increased ICP
- Adjunctive Medications and Prevention of Complications
- Surgical management of TBI
- Intracranial Hypertension Management
- Reversal of Anticoagulation
- Trauma patient on anticoagulation with CHI
- Blood product and Factor Algorithm - not on warfarin
- Interpreting Thromboelastograms (TEG)
- Thromboelastography
- Patient on Anticoagulant or Antiplatelets
- Guideline to Emergent Bleeding Reversal
- Factor Algorithm for life-threatening bleeding due to Warfarin
- Concussion Screening
- Acute Concussion Evaluation
- Concussion Return to Play Protocol
- Current Concepts in Concussion
- C-Spine Workup and Management
- Cervical and Thoracolumbar Spinal Precautions
- C Spine Clearance Algorithm
- Neck Trauma
- Blunt neck trauma
- Blunt Cerebrovascular Screening
- Denver BCVI Grading Scale
- Penetrating Neck trauma
- Penetrating Neck Wound - Exploration Zones
- Esophageal Injury
- Penetrating Neck Wound Algorithm
- WTA Penetrating Neck Wound Algorithm
- Facial fractures
- Facial Fractures without CHI
- Facial Fractures with Mild CHI
- Chest Trauma
- Non-op Management Chest Trauma
- Blunt Chest Trauma
- Blunt chest trauma algorithm
- Chest tube insertion/removal
- Rib fracture management protocol
- Penetrating Chest Trauma
- Penetrating Chest Injuries Algorithm - Stable
- Penetrating Chest Injuries Algorithm - Unstable
- Retained Hemothorax
- Prophylaxis Against PostPericardotomy Syndrome (PPS) Protocol
- Abdominal Trauma
- Blunt Abdominal Trauma
- Non-op Management of Liver injury
- Operative Management of Liver injury
- Non-op Liver Injury Algorithm
- Overview of Splenic Injuries
- Non-op Splenic Injury management
- Operative Splenic Injury management
- Zones of Abdomen and Diaphragm Injury
- Stab Wound Abdomen management
- Pancreatic Injury
- Pancreatic injury Algorithm
- Non-op management of Renal Injuries
- Operative Management of Renal Injuries
- Renal Injury on CT Scan Algorithm
- Zone II Retroperitoneal Hemotoma in OR
- Pelvic Fractures
- Pelvic Fracture Algorithm
- T-POD Pelvic Binder Application
- REBOA Protocol
- Indications
- REBOA Aortic Zones
- ER-REBOA Quick Reference Guide
- Ultrasound
- Enhanced FAST Ultrasound
- Positive FAST Images
- FATE Limited Echo
- Peripheral Vascular Injury and Compartment Syndrome
- Vascular Trauma Protocol Overview
- Extremiity Vascaulr injury algorithm
- Mangled Extremity Algorithm
- Consulting Services
- Neurosurgery
- Plastic Surgery / Head and Neck Surgery
- Hand Surgery
- Orthopedic Surgery
- Orthopedic Procedures on Head Injured patienst
- Guideline for Orthopedic Procedures on TBI patients
- OB-GYN/Post-Partum Trauma Consult
- Service Responsibilities
- Tertiary Survey of Trauma Patients
- Handoffs /I-PASS
- Daily SICU Huddle
- Brief Operative Note
- Trauma deaths
- Reporting Deaths and Complications for M&M conference
- Discharge planning
- Trauma Clinic Follow-up
- Burns
- Lund & Browder Burn Area Chart
- Nurse Driven Fluid Resuscitation Pathways
- Pediatric Trauma
- Pediatric Trauma Hemodynamics
- Approach to child with multiple injuries
- Pediatric Transfer Considerations
- Child Abuse Screening, Assessment, and Reporting – Trauma Team Guidelines:
- Classification of Hemorrhagic Shock in Pediatric Trauma
- Drugs used in Pediatric ALS (PALS)
- Geriatric Trauma
- G-60/ACS/TQIP Geriatric Protocol
- Geriatrics Consultation
- Venous Thromboembolism prohylaxis
- VTE Risk Stratification
- VTE prophylactic measures
- IVC Filter Candidates
- Summary of Trauma VTE Protocol
- VTE Risk factors
- VTE Prophylaxis Notes
- Weight-based Lovenox dosing
- Enoxaparin Guidelines in Special Populations
- Post-Discharge VTE Prophylaxis
- Surgical Critical Care
- ICU Nurse-led rounding
- Talking to SICU Families / Family meetings
- Indications for Howell Service Consult
- Family Presence During Resuscitations
- Universal Upset Patient Protocol
- ARDS Protocol
- Inititiation of Mechanical Ventilation
- Discontinuation of Mechanical Ventilation
- Ventilator STEER protocol
- Ventilator Extubation Protocol
- Extubation Algorithm
- Additional notes - Extubation
- Timing of Tracheostomy
- Anemia and Transfusion in Stable patients
- Brain Death Protocol
- Central Venous Catheter Insertion
- Don't Hub the line!
- Antibiotics & Antifungals in Trauma/SICU patients
- Guideline for Antibiotic Duration
- Guideline for Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis
- Nutrition Notes
- NPO Guidelines for Preop patients
- Cortrak post-pyloric feeding
- Nutritional on-hold unexpectedly Guideline
- Pain-Agitation-Delirium-Guideline
- Pain-Agitation-Delirium-Algorithm
- Ketamine
- Pain Ladder
- Confusion-Assessment Method in ICU (CAM-ICU)
- Guideline for Hypertonic Saline
- Disaster Planning
- Health System Codes
- Ten Predictable Surprises in Disasters
- Functional Areas / Teams
- Hospital Command Post
- Hillcrest Triage AreaLimited Treatment Area Trauma Resuscitation Room Acute & Delayed Areas of ER Shock and Holding Area (PACU)
- Disaster Treatment Record (Paper)
- Chemical, Biological, Radiological Terrorism
- Radiologic Weapons
- Potential Biologic Agents
- Potential Chemical Agents
- Acute Radiation Syndrome
- Burn Surge Plan
- Acute Care Surgery
- Appendicitis - Uncomplicated
- Appendicitis - Complicated
- Acute Diverticultis
- Acute Calculous Cholecystitis
- Suspected necrotizing fasciitis
- LRINEC Score
- Extremity and Truncal Infection Algorithms
- Opioid oral prescribing General Surgery
- Video Links