- Publications
- Research Teams
- Clinical Trials
- Grand Rounds
- REIMAGINE organ donation
- Trainee Research Opportunities
- Funding Opportunities
The Independent Study Project (ISP) has long been a cornerstone of the elective curriculum at the UC San Diego School of Medicine. The ISP provides the opportunity to develop rational and scholarly methods of investigation. Because the ISP is a period of concentrated study, it supports the formation of close relationships between faculty mentors and students.
The Department of Surgery is committed to supporting the research efforts of medical students with a demonstrated interest in surgical careers. The Department will fund ISP summer research projects (e.g., basic/translational, clinical, education, engineering or health services research) relevant to understanding or improving the management/treatment of surgical problems and diseases.
Kelli Lopes
Retrospective Outcomes Study of Operative Treatments for Burn, Keloids, and Hypertrophic Scars.
Mentor: Dr. Gosman (Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery)
Shima Rahgozar
Outcomes of Concomitant Common Femoral Artery Endarterectomy and Distal Vessel Open Bypass vs. Distal Vessel Endovascular Intervention.
Mentor: Dr. Malas (Vascular & Endovascular Surgery)
Miriam Becker
Evaluating Innovations in Breast Conserving Therapy: An Investigation of Long-term Outcomes of the Intercostal Artery Perforator Flap (ICAP) for Immediate Lumpectomy Reconstruction. Mentor: Dr. Reid (Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery)
All medical students (UCSD and non-UCSD), residents and international medical graduates interested in pursuing research in the Department of Surgery are encouraged to complete the Medical Student Research Application (DOCX).