UC San Diego Hosts SAGES Flexible Endoscopy Course
October 10, 2018
The Center for the Future of Surgery hosted the 2018 Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) Flexible Endoscopy Course for Fellows. The course brought together trainees and faculty from across the country, as well as the president of SAGES, Jeffrey Marks, for three days of didactic and hands-on learning.
Faculty & Fellows gather for an evening welcome reception at the Sheraton La Jolla to kick off the two-day course.
The first panel discussion discussed cases that illustrate the use of endoscopic biopsy forceps and snares, with an emphasis on the type of pathology that are best suited for each of these instruments. Panelists included Dr. Ozanan Meireles, Dr. Mike Kochman, Dr. Marcos Michelotti, and Dr. Michael McGee.
Dr. Bryan Sandler, 2018 Course Chair and Associate Professor of Surgery in the Division of Minimally Invasive Surgery at UC San Diego, gives a presentation about advanced endoscopic techniques, including Endoscopic Mucosal Resection, Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection, Mucosal Ablation, and Per-Oral Endoscopic Myotomy.
Minimally Invasive Surgery Fellows converged on the Center for the Future of Surgery for a hands-on lab. Fellows rotated around 22 stations to practice the latest in endoscopy products, devices, and procedures.
The hands-on lab continued on day two. In this photo, Fellows learn about Balloon Dilation.
Dr. Eric Pauli demonstrates Ovesco’s endoscopic clipping systems to Fellows.
Dr. Bryan Sandler, Course Co-Director and Associate Professor Surgery, Division of Minimally Invasive Surgery
Dr. Jeffrey Marks, president, SAGES, and Program Director, General Surgery, UH Cleveland Medical Center