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Department of Surgery Department of Surgery

Match 2019

March 15, 2019

The National Resident Matching Program announced the results of the 2019 Main Residency Match. The Department of Surgery is thrilled to welcome our 2019 class of interns—in general surgery, plastic surgery, otolaryngology, and neurosurgery—and to begin another year educating the best and brightest in academic surgery.

General Surgery Categorical Residents

Karina Covarrubias

Karina Covarrubias
Johns Hopkins University

Jorge De la Torre

Jorge De la Torre
UC San Diego Bridge Program

Ana Maria Dumitru

Ana Maria Dumitru

Nicole Goldhaber

Nicole Goldhaber
Harvard Medical School

Isabella Guajardo

Isabella Guajardo
University of Pennsylvania

Estella Huang

Estella Huang
University of Illinois

Kevin Li

Kevin Li
University of Texas Southwestern

General Sugery Preliminary Resident

Satinderjit “Vinny” Locham

Satinderjit “Vinny” Locham
Royal College of Surgeons Ireland

Otolaryngology / Head and Neck Surgery

Morgan Davis

Morgan Davis
University of Mississippi

Benjamin Ostrander

Benjamin Ostrander
Johns Hopkins University

Plastic Surgery

Meera Reghunathan

Meera Reghunathan
UC San Diego


Michael Gregory Brandel

Michael Gregory Brandel
UC San Diego

Lauren Elizabeth Stone

Lauren Elizabeth Stone
Temple University